应学校邀请,Professor Matthias Dehmer将于3月13日做客我校“科技论坛”,作题为《The Interplay between Data Science, Big Data and Structured Data Analysis》的专题讲座,欢迎广大师生届时光临。
讲 题:The Interplay between Data Science, Big Data and Structured Data Analysis(数据科学,大数据,数据结构分析)
主讲人:Professor Matthias Dehmer
时 间:2018年3月13日(星期二)下午15:00—17:00
地 点:贵州财经大学花溪校区崇德楼1楼报告厅
Matthias Dehmer
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria,Head of the Business Analytics Group
Head of the Business Analytics Group Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Steyr, Austria
Professor for Data and Business Analytics at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Steyr, Austria
Visiting lecturer at Schweizer Fernfachhochschule Schweiz Zürich, Switzerland
Univ. Prof. and Head of the Institute of Bioinformatics and Translational Research, UMIT, Austria
Professor at Department of Biomedical Computer Science
人文素质教育基地 2018年3月12日